Environment: SharePoint 2007/2010/2013
Requirement: To move a site collection as a subsite to another site collection, we can make use of STSADM or Powershell import/export command.
Following are the steps to achieve this
Assume that, we need to move the site collection http://sitecollection1/sites/asite to another site collection http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite as a subsite.
1. Export the site collection (http://sitecollection1/sites/asite) using STSADM command line tool
using stsadm command
stsadm.exe -o export -url http://sitecollection1/sites/asite -filename c:\backups\sc_asite.bak –includeusersecurity –nofilecompression
using powershell
Export-SPWeb -Identity http://sitecollection1/sites/asite -Path C:\backups\sc_asite.bak -IncludeUserSecurity -NoFileCompression
2. Create a new site with Blank Site template in the other site collection (http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite). Assume the blank site name is csite
3. Import the backed up site collection in c:\mybckup\sc_asite.bak
using stsadm command
stsadm.exe -o import -url http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite/csite -filename c:\backups\sc_asite.bak
-includeusersecurity -nofilecompression
using powershell
Import-SPWeb http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite/csite -Path c:\backups\sc_asite.bak -IncludeUserSecurity -NoFileCompression
After migration, the site collection 1 will be available under the following URL as a subsite http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite/csite
Requirement: To move a site collection as a subsite to another site collection, we can make use of STSADM or Powershell import/export command.
Following are the steps to achieve this
Assume that, we need to move the site collection http://sitecollection1/sites/asite to another site collection http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite as a subsite.
1. Export the site collection (http://sitecollection1/sites/asite) using STSADM command line tool
using stsadm command
stsadm.exe -o export -url http://sitecollection1/sites/asite -filename c:\backups\sc_asite.bak –includeusersecurity –nofilecompression
using powershell
Export-SPWeb -Identity http://sitecollection1/sites/asite -Path C:\backups\sc_asite.bak -IncludeUserSecurity -NoFileCompression
2. Create a new site with Blank Site template in the other site collection (http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite). Assume the blank site name is csite
3. Import the backed up site collection in c:\mybckup\sc_asite.bak
using stsadm command
stsadm.exe -o import -url http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite/csite -filename c:\backups\sc_asite.bak
-includeusersecurity -nofilecompression
using powershell
Import-SPWeb http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite/csite -Path c:\backups\sc_asite.bak -IncludeUserSecurity -NoFileCompression
After migration, the site collection 1 will be available under the following URL as a subsite http://sitecollection2/sites/bsite/csite