Wednesday, May 1, 2013

ICellProvider vs IRowProvider vs IListProvider vs IFilterProvider vs IWebPartField vs IWebPartRow vs IWebPartTable vs IWebPartParameters

Interfaces used to make web part connections.

ICellProvider: This API is now obsolete. Enables a Web Part to communicate with a Web Part that implements the ICellConsumer interface to work with a single value item.
IWebPartField : Defines a provider interface for connecting two server controls using a single field of data.

IRowProvider: This API is now obsolete. Enables a Web Part to send a row of data to a Web Part that implements the IRowConsumer, ICellConsumer, IFilterConsumer, or IParametersInConsumer interface.
IWebPartRow: Defines a provider interface for connecting two server controls using a single field of data.

IListProvider: This API is now obsolete. Defines events that a Web Part can implement so that it can provide an entire list (rowset) of data to another Web Part that implements the IListConsumer interface.
IWebPartTable: Defines a provider interface for connecting two server controls using an entire table of data.

IFilterProvider: This API is now obsolete. Used to communicate with a Web Part that implements IFilterConsumer interface to provide filter information to the consumer.
IWebPartParameters: Defines the contract a Web Parts control implements to pass a parameter value in a Web Parts connection.
