Thursday, June 25, 2015

What can we do with SharePoint Designer 2013?

Following is the high level list of features and functionality that we can do using SharePoint Designer 2013
1.      Edit Site
a.      Create list/libraries/Sites
b.      Create site pages
c.      Create Web Part Pages
d.      Create/edit Master pages
f.       Copy/move/delete items
g.      Create content types/columns/external content types/site assets
h.      Site Groups
2.      Create Workflows
a.Workflow Actions
         Dictionary actions
         Coordination actions
         Task Actions
         Eventing Actions
b. List Workflow
b.      Reusable Workflow
c.      Site Workflow
d.      Package workflows
e.      Loops in Workflow

3.      Create external Data sources

5.      Call REST Web Services

Thursday, June 11, 2015

SharePoint installation types/modes


Currently, the installation types include single server with built-in database installations, single-server farm installations, and multiple-server farm installations. This document describes the advantage and disadvantage with each installations in SharePoint.

Installation mode

Multiple-server farm installations

            A farm configuration consists 2 or more server. While the farm configuration is not complex, it provides a fundamental infrastructure to implement a SharePoint solution on similar or more complex farms.
            In terms of performance, capacity, and scalability, a three-tier topology is recommended over a two-tier topology. A three-tier topology provides the most efficient physical and logical layout to support scaling out or scaling up, and provides better distribution of services across the member servers of the farm.

Single-server farm installations

            A single server farm generally consists of one server that runs both SharePoint and Microsoft SQL Server. You can deploy SharePoint in a single server farm environment if there are only few sites required for a limited number of users.  This configuration would be useful if you want to configure a farm to meet your requirements first, and then add servers to the farm at a later stage whenever required.

Single server with built-in database (Standalone)

            A single server installation consists of one server that runs both SQL Server and SharePoint. You can install and configure SharePoint on a single server if you are creating only few application for a limited number of users or if you want to create a trial or development environment. This deployment uses SQL Server Express.


·         You cannot use this method on a domain controller or in a workgroup environment.
  • This method is not supported for production on a domain controller.
  • If your computer is in a workgroup, you cannot install AppFabric for Windows Server.
·         This installation, using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Express Edition, the maximum database size is 10 GB
·         Cannot add another server in future
·         No Domain Service, because it is configured only in one server and it runs under local accounts like Network Service account. Also you cannot create User Profile Service for this reason.


            If you choose ‘stand-alone’ installation type, you cannot change it back to ‘Farm’ and you would then be permanently unable to add additional machines (such as a separate Web Front End, SQL etc.). You may need to do a SharePoint re-installation to convert that to Farm environment. Also database size is limited and cannot be extended for standalone installation with build in database. So the recommended installation for Web Framework would be to select between “Multiple server farm installations” or “Single server farm installation” measured against expected user activity.