Thursday, September 4, 2014

Remove duplicate Array from JArray

Following is the code sample that can be used to remove a duplicate array from JArray.

private static string RemoveDuplicateTasks(JArray strArray)

            JArray uniqueArray = new JArray();
            StringBuilder jsonResponse = new StringBuilder();

            //Loop through each array and find for array value with a specific column name. (ex: ID)
            foreach (JObject jObject in strArray)
                //Verify if the ID column value exist in the uniqueArray
                JObject rowObject = uniqueArray.Children<JObject>().FirstOrDefault(o => o["id"] != null && o["id"].ToString() == jObject.Property("id").Value.ToString());

                //rowObject will be null if these is no match for the value in ID column
                if (rowObject == null)

            //Remove the curly braces { }
            int strLength = uniqueArray.ToString().Length;
            string strValue = uniqueArray.ToString().Substring(1, (strLength - 2));
            jsonResponse.Append((jsonResponse.Length > 0 ? "," : "") + strValue);
            return "[" + jsonResponse.ToString() + "]";