Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Enable Auditing for a specific document library and list.

Environment: SharePoint 2013 Enterprise
  • Enable audit for a document library to get the number of times the document is opened
  • Enable audit for a list to get the total number of times the item is edited.
  1. Go to Document library > Settings > Library Settings
  2. Click Information management policy settings
  1. Click on Document under Content Type
  2. Provide the necessary details and select “Opening or downloading documents, viewing items in lists, or viewing item properties” under Enable Auditing
  1. Click OK
  2. Navigate to the list where you want to set the policy
  3. Click List Settings > Select Information management policy settings

  1. Select the List from the policy settings
  2. Provide the required details and select Editing items under Enable Auditing

  1. To view the report, navigate to the top level site and Site Settings
  2. Select Audit log reports under Site Collection Administration

  1. Click Run a custom report under Custom Reports section

  1. Select the required events to view the report for

  1. Click Ok
  1. Click on “Click here to view the report”

Note: Site collection administrators page views or edit are not tracked.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Create and associate multiple content types for a library

Environment: SharePoint 2013
Requirement: Create multiple content types for a document library to have different metadata/columns.
Introduction: The following steps are to create sample content types to store Budget and Invoice details in a document library.
Create a site content type named ’Budget’. The parent content type can be selected based on the requirement. For example, if you are settings this for a document library then use Document Content Type as parent and if you setting this for a list, then select List content type.
Create New Site Content Type

Create New Site Content Type
Add columns that are specific to the created content type.
Create New Site Content Type - Add Columns
Create New Site Content Type - Create Site Columns
Create another content type named ‘Invoice’
Create New Site Content TypeCreate New Site Content Type - Create Site Columns
Add columns that are specific to Invoice content type.

Create New Site Content Type - Create Site Columns
Create New Site Content Type

Navigate to the document library where you want to associate this content type.
Document library
Click Library > Library Settings > Advanced Settings and allow management of content type.
Document library - Advanced Settings

Document library - Advanced Settings
Associate the Budget and Invoice content types to the library in Library Settings page.
Add site content type
Add site content type

Change Content Type Order
After associating the content types, you can see the content type column when you add a new item in the document library. The column that are created for each content type will get displayed based on the 
content type you select.
Multiple Content Type

Multiple Content TypesMultiple Content Types
Upload document and submit metadata for different content types.Multiple Content Types