Environment: SharePoint 2013 Enterprise
- Enable audit for a document library to get the number of times the document is opened
- Enable audit for a list to get the total number of times the item is edited.
- Go to Document library > Settings > Library Settings
- Click Information management policy settings
- Click on Document under Content Type
- Provide the necessary details and select “Opening or downloading documents, viewing items in lists, or viewing item properties” under Enable Auditing
- Click OK
- Navigate to the list where you want to set the policy
- Click List Settings > Select Information management policy settings
- Select the List from the policy settings
- Provide the required details and select Editing items under Enable Auditing
- To view the report, navigate to the top level site and Site Settings
- Select Audit log reports under Site Collection Administration
- Click Run a custom report under Custom Reports section
- Select the required events to view the report for
- Click Ok
- Click on “Click here to view the report”
Note: Site collection administrators page views or edit are not tracked.