Issue: The popular items report for the document library are updated every 24 hrs and we cannot get the recent hits updated immediately.
Workaround: Following is the workaround to get the recent hits updated in the most popular items report for a document library
Prerequisite: Make sure that Reporting feature and Popularity Trends/usage analytics is enabled for the site
1. Make sure that the Search Analytics timer job is started.
$analyticsJob = Get-SPTimerJob -Type Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics.AnalyticsJobDefinition
$searchanalytics = $analyticsJob.GetAnalysis("Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics.SearchAnalyticsJob")
- Trigger the events by opening and downloading some files from document library
- Make sure that the usage files @ C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\RequestUsage are updated with the event details.
- Events can be imported from usage to Event store by running the Timer Job manually using following PowerShell script
$usagejob = Get-SPTimerJob -Identity ("job-usage-log-file-import")
- Make sure that the event store (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data\Office Server\Analytics_<GUID>\EventStore) is updated with the event
- Copy the current data event store logs to a custom folder location. In this example we have copied the logs to following location
15 Hive\Data\Office Server\Analytics_<GUID>\EventStore\20161124\MyEvents
- Run the following PowerShell script to start the usage analytics
$uajob = get-sptimerjob -type
$uajob.StartAnalysis("\\ilinksys-121\Office Server\Analytics_abce7b74-9002-404b-92b2-126bcddf451e\EventStore\20161124\MyEvents")
Check the most popular items report once the job state is complete and you notice that the recent events are updated.